Printed Board Circuits are the backbone to electrical devices, and the connections made between components lead to electrical signals. Poor functioning design can lead to problems along the production line, which is why there are some key fundamentals to be aware of when designing a PBC layout.

PBC Design Flow

There are four specific steps used by a PCB layout service to create a functional design flow:

Step 1

is Part Research and Selection, which evaluates the physical components and examines how each part will function within the design cartography.

Step 2

is Schematic Capture and Simulation, and this process involves capturing the circuit components and linking them together to form the substantive design as well as simulating the circuit to analyze the signals and behavior of the components.

Step 3

is the Board Layout, and this is comprised of placing all the physical components and integrated circuits onto the circuit board and checking the form factor of the PBC.

Step 4

is Verification and Validation, which implicates a two-step process of a prototype test and manufacturing test to verify the design meets the original blueprint and proper testing standards for the customer.  

PCB Design Optimization

Optimize the design by organizing the circuits into segments in congruence with function.  Group each section to maintain short conductive traces. Arrange the path of electrical current on your board to be linear.  Lastly, sustain a star configuration so that the components get equal voltage in equal length.

Thermal Issues

The most optimal thermal design for a PCB will produce equal temperature across the whole board. Achieving proportionate thermal conduction is by using copper planes and thermal vias as follows to distribute the heat evenly thus lowering the temperature of the PCB.

Test a PBC for Functionality

Decisively test the PCB to check all available outlets making secure that all components are functioning as designed. Do white-box and black-box testing to analyze the inputs, outputs, and any pathways to ensure no failing components.

BESTProto uses advanced software to create PCB layouts. If you’re interested in a PCB layout service, our staff will work with you through every stage of the process.