Inspection & Testing

PCB Inspection & Testing Services

pcb-inspection-testingWe can help you meet the challenges of product test and inspection through effective strategies and the development of comprehensive test/inspection plan specific to your unique product requirements. BESTProto engineers offer an extensive array of test solutions. Our aim is to reduce manufacturing costs, increase product yields and deliver the highest product quality by insisting on testing whatever we build or assemble.

To this end BESTProto offers:

  • Functional PCB test design and development
  • Hardware and software design development
  • Machine placement testing of resistor and capacitor values right on the pick and place heads. This insures that the correct devices values are placed-especially key when there is a high part count.
  • In Circuit test through the use of the highly flexible flying probe ICT
  • Hardware and software design, development and support
  • Customized test fixtures and circuits can be designed by BESTProto engineering personnel in order to insure proper functionality
  • X-ray inspection of advance component packages